Monday, November 5, 2012

Me Sew Crazy Guest Post!

  Wow I am so exited today! I get to do my first guest post!! Im guest posting on the blog : Me Sew Crazy. I'm going to write about a poncho made up of wool patches and it's very stylish!
I was inspired by a scarf in a sewing book. It was made up of wool and cashmere patches sewn all together! Well I don't really know what to write so I'll just post some pictures  ;)   !



  1. I LOVE it Lily Marie! You're very clever to design something like this, and I love the skirt you made your little sister!

  2. I absolutely adore this Lily Marie! What a talented little designer you are! I loved hearing your voice on MSC and seeing what you designed! Great work!

  3. What a cute poncho!! I will be following along, anxious to see what you come up with next!

  4. Congrats on your guest post!! I've never seen a cuter poncho.

  5. I will be trying this poncho for my little girl! Gonna use old sweaters maybe. Great idea.
